
Dealing with chronic health care issues

About Me

Dealing with chronic health care issues

I used to be really healthy, until I got glandular fever in my mid twenties. I got really sick and it took me a lot of time, and consultations, with different health professionals to get my issues under control. My local health clinic became my second home as I worked throug my muscle soreness with my physiotherapist, my nutritional issues with my nutrionist and got all of my blood tests and x-rays done as well. Having them all in one place made my recovery much easier. This site is my exploration of health care clinics and how they help all arms of the medical profession work together.


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Understanding Uterine Cancer

Uterine cancer can develop in any part of your uterus, but it's relatively common for cancer cells to grow on the endometrium with this type of cancer. The endometrium is the top layer on the inside of your uterus that sheds during menstruation. Uterine cancer can develop in pre- and postmenopausal women, and although the reasons for uterine cancer developing are not yet fully understood, there are some risk factors that can increase your likelihood of developing this type of cancer. Risk factors include being obese, having polycystic ovarian syndrome, having diabetes and using oestrogen replacement therapy. Never having been pregnant can also increase your risk of developing uterine cancer due to greater exposure to oestrogen across your reproductive years.

Symptoms Of Uterine Cancer

Symptoms of uterine cancer include bleeding between periods and any vaginal bleeding if you are postmenopausal. Heavy and prolonged vaginal bleeding, unusual discharge and lower abdominal pain can also be symptoms of this type of cancer. These symptoms can be easy to push to the back of your mind, particularly during busy seasons of life, but any unusual pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding should be investigated promptly, as uterine cancer can spread to other parts of your body.

Diagnosing And Treating Uterine Cancer

A Pap smear does not detect uterine cancer, so don't be tempted to rely on Pap smear results as an indicator of your overall reproductive health. Your doctor will diagnose uterine cancer by taking details of your symptoms and carrying out a pelvic exam, which may involve the use of a transvaginal ultrasound probe to take images of your uterus. A blood test can also be carried out to measure levels of a protein called CA-125. A high level of this protein is an indicator of the presence of cancerous cells. Your doctor may also want to take a biopsy of uterine tissue to confirm the presence of cancerous cells. They will do this by inserting a thin tube into your uterus. Biopsy instruments are passed along the tube and a very small piece of tissue is cut away. Biopsies aren't painful and ensure an accurate diagnosis is made.

Surgery is the primary treatment for uterine cancer and entails the complete removal of your uterus. Your ovaries and some surrounding tissue may also need to be removed, and you will enter menopause after surgery regardless of your age. If cancerous cells have spread to other parts of your body, you will require radiotherapy or chemotherapy, both of which aim to kill cancer cells and prevent any further spread.

As with many types of cancer, successful treatment and recovery from uterine cancer are impacted by how early it's diagnosed. So, if you have any of the symptoms of uterine cancer, schedule an appointment with your doctor.

For more information about women's health, contact a doctor.